Sooty Mold
Biology and Symptom Sooty mold’s name comes from the dark threadlike growth (mycelium) of the fungi resembling a layer of soot. Sooty mold is a fungal disease that grows on plants and other surfaces...
View ArticleStem Wet Rot
Biology and Symptom The first symptom of stem wet rot is usually the sudden and simultaneous death of all unexpanded spear leaves, together with the youngest expanded fronds surrounding the spears....
View ArticleBunch Rot
Biology and Symptom Most frequent outbreaks occur in palms 3 to 9 years old but can be severe in palms recently brought into bearing in the absence of adequate pollination. Outbreaks associated with...
View ArticleCharcoal Rot
Biology and Symptom The disease incidence is low and no economic significance. As with several other disease affecting the roots and stem base, aerial symptoms provide the first visible symptoms of...
View ArticleOrange Spotting
Biology and Symptom The disease transmitted by mechanical means in the most of their hosts. Spread of OS occurs naturally through seeds. Typical symptoms of OS are bright orange spotting on expanded...
View ArticleBunch Moth
Ecology The life cycle consists of five larval stages, where each stage is differentiated by size and body length. The adult wingspan size is about 26-30 mm. Their hindwings colour is plain pale yellow...
View ArticleTermite
Ecology Termites are social insect that live in small to large colonies, a colony in some species containing almost a million or more individuals. These insects are well known as a vital component in...
View ArticleRhinoceros Beetle
Ecology The rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros, is a Southeast Asian native that was accidentally introduced to the South Pacific regions such as American Samoa, Fiji, Mayotte, Palau, Papua New...
View ArticleBagworm / Nettle Caterpillar
Ecology Bagworms The complete life cycle of Metisa plana is approximately three months, whereas the life cycles of Pteroma pendula and Mahasena corbetti are about 40 days and four months, respectively....
View ArticleRats
Ecology The main species of rats causing economic damage are: Rattus rattus diardii Rattus tiomanicus Rattus argentiventer Rattus muelleri (Sundamys muelleri) Rat is an omnivorous generalist, yet can...
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